How to design Chris Do style Instagram Carousels in your browser? [FREE TEMPLATE]
Today I’ll show that you can design seamless carousels for your Instagram like Chris Do. His designs are really simple but well written & the story telling is always on the point.
So let’s get straight into it. I’ll share a carousel template that is available on Contentdrips Carousel Maker which you can use & edit right from your browser and then use Instagram Creator Studio to post it to your account from your browser.
Here is your first step:
- Go to
- Click on Templates.
- You will find this Chris Do style instagram carousel template in it.
4. Now just click on it & start editing.
Contentdrips Carousel Maker is a free to use web-app that creates seamless carousels for Instagram & LinkedIn from your browser. There are many carousel templates you can choose or start with your own design.
Let me know if you have any question regarding this instagram carousel template. Feel free to drop them in comments below.