How to make & post LinkedIn carousel posts easily from your browser.

Usama Khalid
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


LinkedIn is a really great for it’s organic reach. If I would have to rank all social media channels for their organic. This is how it will go.

  1. Tiktok.
  2. LinkedIn.
  3. Twitter.
  4. Instagram.
  5. Youtube.
  6. Facebook.

So in order to grow on LinkedIn you have put out more valuable content. This content should be a long form of content like a video, long text post or a carousel post.

Today. I’ll share how you can make and post LinkedIn carousel posts just from your browser. No need for photoshop, illustrator or even Canva. This tool is built for making carousels.

The tool we will be using is Contentdrips. It’s a content creation tool built for personal brands. That does videos, photos & carousel post. We will be focusing on Carousel Maker tool. It will give carousel for LinkedIn and Instagram.

Contentdrips Carousel Maker — Making a LinkedIn Carousel Post

Creating your carousel post

Now you have two options. You can either pick a template or start with your own design if you’re feeling creative. The tool offers some really awesome features like 1-point edits for information like your name, handle, website url and your avatar plus other features like smart clone.

Smart Clone Feature — Carousel Maker

For making a carousel post, you can write your content from scratch or repurpose your previously created content like a Twitter thread, a blogpost or any long form of text post.

Now pick any template and start editing all the content. You can do all sort of things like add shapes, shadows, gradients, borders and uploading your images etc.

After you are done. Click on Save button. Here you will have two options. You can download PDFs for LinkedIn or PNGs for Instagram. You can also save your template so then you can use it later and edit it.

Saving your LinkedIn carousel post — contentdrips

Now you have go your PDF for LinkedIn. It’s time to post it.

Posting your LinkedIn Carousel

Option to post LinkedIn carousel is almost hidden. LinkedIn call these post a Document post. Not a carousel post. Their UI is terrible at this stage. As you can see below there is no option to upload Document or Carousel.

LinkedIn bad UI for carousel post

So you have to click on Start a post then it will show a popup where still you don’t see a Document or Carousel written anywhere on it. But you will see an Icon of document.

Uploading Carousel Post on LinkedIn.

Click on this icon. After that it will show you a upload field, where you can upload your PDF. Now upload your PDF from here.

That’s it. Hit done.

So that’s pretty much about it. If you have any question regarding LinkedIn carousel just drop them in comments below.

Here’s the link to the tool:



Usama Khalid
Usama Khalid

Written by Usama Khalid

Product Maker & Designer — Founder — Tweet me @im_usamakhalid

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